Blueberry Muffin Recipe

The Joy of Baking


Sometimes we forget to grease the pan or add baking soda, but we learn from our mistakes.  That’s the joy of baking. Knowing that mistakes are…eh…just part of the learning process. Here are a few recipes to get you started.

If you don’t consider yourself a baker, this is my message to you:

Throw caution to the wind! Go forth! Burn the cookies. Make mistakes. Get better. Live to bake another day. I can attest that so-so cookies are *usually* damn delicious. You’re gonna do great. 😉

best blueberry muffinsMr. C’s Favorite Blueberry Muffins

Mr. C is NOT a breakfast person. He’s a 5-star fanatic of brunch, and rarely has more than juice for breakfast. I, myself, am a firm believer in breakfast, so my husband’s aversion to it is an absolute mystery to me. Eating always holds the #1 spot for my day’s priorities. If I miss breakfast, I’m ruined until I’m able to grab a snack or early lunch.

In the past few years, I’ve made it my mission to find a breakfast food Mr. C will actually eat. So what’s the one exception to the hubby’s anti-breakfast lifestyle? MUFFINS. That man loves muffins, especially blueberry muffins. It was Mr. C’s birthday yesterday, and because he’s a legitimate cake hater — yes there are weirdos out there who dislike cake — I got up early and made him muffins instead.

TIP:It’s okay to substitute olive oil for vegetable oil.(in this recipe at least)For the right texture on the cinnamon crumble topping, use stick butter, not spread.

Happy Baking!

RECIPE HERE: Best Blueberry Muffins EVER!

Show Diana Johnson @EatingRichly some love for today’s recipe. 🙂 Thanks, Diana!

Blair Casey
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Blair Casey is an amateur hiker, perpetual note scribbler and news junkie. She lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with her husband and two cats.

Blair Casey
Blair Casey

Blair Casey is an amateur hiker, perpetual note scribbler and news junkie. She lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with her husband and two cats.

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