VIDEO | Kristen Bell Talks Anxiety & Depression

Kristen Bell opens up about her history with anxiety and depression as well as the double standards those with the condition face.

“If you do decide to go on a prescription to help yourself, understand that the world wants to shame you for that, but in the medical community, you would never deny a diabetic his insulin. But for some reason when someone needs a serotonin inhibitor, they’re immediately crazy or something. I don’t know it’s a very interesting double standard…”


Published by: The Off Camera Show

Curated by The Tough Cookies Blog & Re-Blogged May, 2016

Blair Casey
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Blair Casey is an amateur hiker, perpetual note scribbler and news junkie. She lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with her husband and two cats.

Blair Casey
Blair Casey

Blair Casey is an amateur hiker, perpetual note scribbler and news junkie. She lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with her husband and two cats.

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